Tallest Buildings in London and the UK

Posted by in Guides, on January 16, 2015

Like any other developed nation, the UK can pride itself on many examples of outstanding modern architecture, in this case tall buildings and skyscrapers. For the purpose of this article, things like telecom masts etc. are not included as they are not tall buildings but tall structures.

The buildings listed here are all in the United Kingdom, they are all at least one hundred metres tall, and only architectural height is measured i.e. additional top-off structures like masts and aerials are not counted toward the overall height.

Skyscrapers in LondonAt the time of its completion in twenty twelve, The Shard in London was the tallest building in the UK. Standing at three hundred and nine metres (man and van office removal people will be glad there are reliable elevators) architectural height, The Shard provides eighty seven storeys of office space. It has a privately owned observation sky deck opened to the public shortly after completion. At the moment though, The Shard is out-heighted as it is the second tallest structure in the UK, but still the tallest inhabitable building in the entire EU.

Next up, there is One Canada Square, also in downtown London. With its formidable two hundred and seventy five metres of architectural height, it was the tallest building in the UK from nineteen ninety to twenty ten. One Canada Sq. (many people, including some man and van crews often refer to it as Canary Wharf due to its location) has a total of fifty storeys. One Canada Square uses certain design elements and architectural themes present in the World Financial Centre building. The structure is clad with pricy stainless steel – one of its design and architecture trademarks.

Heron Tower, with official name 110 Bishopsgate, is one of London’s entirely commercial skyscrapers. The building towers at two hundred and thirty meters architectural height which makes it the tallest structure in the City of London (Square Mile) and third tallest in Greater London. After its completion in twenty ten, the tower’s name was changed, and then changed back again. Eventually an official ruling into the matter named the skyscraper simply 110 Bishopsgate.

The Leadenhall Tower is one of the most recent examples of skyscraper architecture in London as it was officially opened in July, twenty fourteen. Affectionately known as the Cheesegrader due to its specific shape, the structure stands at two hundred and twenty five metres.  In twenty thirteen the building was still under construction, yet more than half of the available office space was already booked and let to companies. The Cheesegrader occupies the spot of a former office building owned by famous shipping company P&O for over a century.

HSBC Tower also known as Eight Canada Square is yet another of the Canary Wharf giants. The building is HSBC’s global headquarters. The building was completed in two thousand two, and consists of forty five floors, and has an overall height of two hundred metres. The HSBC tower‘s purpose concentrate most of the company’s employees in one location as opposed to having them scattered throughout London.