Best Libraries in London

Posted by in Guides, on March 4, 2015

Did you know that London is home to some of the best libraries in the world?

You may have never thought about this, but according to some recent surveys, more and more people consider the presence of a good library in the area an important factor in the decision where exactly they are going to buy a rent a property. Ask your local man and van contractor if you do not believe us.

The libraries in the list below are all great because of their archives, reference materials and design. What is even better – the entrance to all of them and access to their resources are one hundred percent free.

  • Canada Water Library & Canada Water Culture Space is one of the best new public libraries in the capital. It has a rich collection, and even a tube station just next to it in order to further facilitate the easy access to it.
  • Westminster-Reference-LibraryIf you are into theatre, Westminster Reference Library has the richest collection in London of theatre books and archives. Another really great thing about it is that is located in the very heart of the city, just next to the beautiful Leicester Square.
  • Libraries are usually considered to places for books, but the Mediatheque at BFI Southbank comes to show the case is different. This library has an excellent free digital film library. You will find everything here, from TV shows and films, to documentaries on a wide variety of topics, including pop culture, London and human rights.
  • South Kensington is home to the National Art Library. The name speaks for itself – this public reference library is the place to go if you are looking for information on any form of art you can think of. You can use the archives and reference materials for free, but you have to register first. Fortunately it can be done online in advance.
  • This list would not have been complete if the British Library was not on it. This place is incredible just for the fact that it is huge. The British Library is in fact the very definition of huge as far as book depositories go. It has its very own artist in residence, one of the largest collections of books in the world and much more. The British Library is a world of its own and it would be a shame if you miss your chance to become a reader here.
  • The London Metropolitan Archive, located just next to the Farrington Tube Station is not a library per se, but it stores a collection of unique documents – maps, images, documents, films and books dedicated to the history and life in London.
  • On the same note, located in Kew Gardens are the National Archives. Their function is the same as that of the Metropolitan Archive, just for the whole country. You will find everything here – from family trees to the Domesday Book – the oldest public record in British History, dating to the beginning of the 11th century.